
Arter ® IMS is the perfect platform for your quality management and integrated management systems. The core functionalities of Arter ® IMS are process mapping, document and risk management, feedback and evaluation processing, measuring results, and compiling manuals. These various areas together form a comprehensive quality management system.

What is an Integrated Management System?

An integrated management system is the best-known compilation of working methods. It is continually improved through profit-taking, sensitive customer experience, feedback and evaluations. With an integrated management system, the aim is to standardise and improve an organisation's operations by visualising them and making them easily accessible to organisational actors.

Create an Integrated Management System for your organization!

Sections of the IMS software for quality organization


Arter ® IMS comes with an easy-to-use tool for drawing processes (Blueprint), which allows visualisation of the entire organisation's operations as a process. Processes are hierarchically described from top to bottom, from general descriptions towards more detailed workflow. All process descriptions are connected and closely linked to each other through a process tree. The software also allows every process to be associated with all related content.


Arter ® IMS enables you to manage your organisation's unified documents by maintaining, editing, and archiving documents. It is possible to manage documents that control the operations as well as the documents that result from it. With Arter ® IMS you can assign responsibility for your documents, so the maintenance won't be forgotten. Documents can easily be found in a hierarchical directory structure or with a variety of comprehensive search functions. You can search, for example, keywords, tags, persons responsible, or the latest content.


Arter ® IMS can be used to create operating manuals conveniently, with a user-friendly text editor. It is possible to handle the manual on a per-page basis, meaning that you can easily share different chapters in the manual with the responsibility of the various persons. You can also set up a policy of action or leadership, a sales manual, a self-supervision plan, a self-assessment description, an orientation manual, or a quality award application. Process descriptions, metrics and instructions that are linked to the manuals are updated in real time when they are updated in their own sections.


Arter ® IMS can be used to transform an organisation's strategy into goals and indicators. This is a significant part of management, as measurement results provide the basis for management and decision-making. The indicators primarily include strategic indicators, but also the operational indicators. Indicators can be compiled according to a balanced scorecard (BSC), organisational structure, processes or conference practices. Indicators can be manually maintained or automatically updated if the software is connected to a data source of another program. Arter ® IMS makes it possible to manually update indicators for individual users or user groups, and simultaneously remind the person who has the responsibility.


You can easily follow the development of the activities with the help of the Reports section. Arter ® IMS provides powerful feedback and an evaluation tool for event management, that can be reported directly on the web. Systematic logging and tracking speeds up and enhances the handling of internal feedback. With the software you can create standard form templates for surveys, development suggestions, deviations, complaints or evaluations. It also makes it possible to process the reports and evaluate the effectiveness of the measures.


The ISO 9001 quality standard was updated in autumn of 2015. ISO 9001:2015 emphasises an organisation's operating environment and risk management. A risk management tool was developed in Arter ® IMS to meet the requirements of this standard and its sister standards. The risk management section is a data warehouse where the identified risks are recorded and included in risk assessments.

IMS software security

Our research and development team follows best practices in the development and testing of IMS software, including OWASP recommendations. In addition, our operations are guided by the Total Specific Solutions group's Security Control Framework. IMS's product development and servers are located in Finland, and the software uses TLS-protected connection. The provider of the service, Arter, is responsible for backing up the content, which takes place on a daily schedule. We pay attention to information security in product development by constantly monitoring information security publications and regularly scanning information security vulnerabilities.

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Additional IMS services

IMS Mobile

IMS software on your phone.

FORMY - External feedback reporting

SSO-configuration - Single sign on

IMS-ARC Process-Integration