
Facilitate enterprise architecture management with a ready-made metamodel – Arter Framework

Is modeling or developing enterprise architecture relevant for you? Are you considering what and how much of the enterprise architecture should be modeled? Are you contemplating what kind of enterprise architecture management model would be sensible for your organization? Are you aiming for independent enterprise architecture development?

The Arter Framework is a ready-made metamodel for organizing enterprise architecture descriptions in the ARC software

The Arter Framework is a framework developed by Arter for modeling and managing enterprise architecture. By metamodel, we mean what and how an organization’s architectural work has chosen to describe.

  • The Arter Framework is only available in the ARC software designed for Arter’s enterprise architecture modeling and management.
  • With the Arter Framework, you can quickly get started with enterprise architecture work because the framework already considers what aspects of the organization’s operations are sensible to model.
    Using the Arter Framework, you can develop an enterprise architecture management model tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • The contents of the Arter Framework. A ready-made model for describing enterprise architecture and building an enterprise architecture management model.
  • The Arter Framework provides a ready-made metamodel for organizing enterprise architecture descriptions, enabling organizations to create a way to model enterprise architecture descriptions that suits their needs.

With the Arter Framework, you can model, for example:

  • Service portfolios,
  • Service maps,
  • Process portfolios,
  • Process maps,
  • Information system portfolios,
  • Information system maps, and
  • Core service layer views.

The Arter Framework’s metamodel includes the following perspectives:

  • Strategy,
  • projects,
  • operations,
  • information systems,
  • information, and
  • technology.
Arter Framework
Arter Framework, click for bigger picture.

With the Arter Framework, you can build an enterprise architecture management model tailored to your organization’s needs

Using the Arter Framework, you can grasp your organization’s current situation regarding enterprise architecture and form a clear picture of:

  • what the core services of the organization are,
  • what processes are used to produce services, and
  • what information systems the services and processes require to deliver the best service to your customers as promised in your value propositions.

The Arter Framework serves as a template for the enterprise architecture framework, allowing the organization to create an enterprise architecture management model tailored to its purposes and operating environment.

Compatibility of the framework and utilization of existing information

  • The Arter Framework is includes structures required by GDPR.
  • Additionally, it is possible to incorporate documentation related to information security and information management into the framework.
  • If your organization has previously modeled information in Excel spreadsheets, for example, system portfolios, process or service lists, these already created tables can be utilized in modeling enterprise architecture according to the framework.
  • Thus, it is possible to import existing descriptions into the ARC software, such as table data from Excel and diagram data from or Visio.

ARC software and Arter Framework

The Arter Framework is available in Arter’s own ARC software designed for enterprise architecture modeling and management.

ARC software is not tied to the use of any specific framework and the software can be used regardless of whether framework your organization utilizes.

Faster progress towards sustainable enterprise architecture work with a ready-made framework

A ready-made framework for enterprise architecture modeling helps the organization take steps quickly towards sustainable enterprise architecture work.

For architectural work to be sustainable, enterprise architecture work needs to change from a project to a process. Here are our tips:

Operational Level Enterprise Architecture:

  • The maintenance process of enterprise architecture is described.
  • The process has an owner who is ultimately responsible for the timeliness of the architecture.
  • The roles responsible for producing architecture descriptions are defined in the process.
  • Enterprise architecture descriptions are produced agilely and are boldly used in decision-making processes.
  • Ensure that enterprise architecture is represented in your organization’s strategic work.
  • Consider the benefits of architectural descriptions for different stakeholders and communicate the benefits to them, for example, through people responsible for business functions – find a relevant perspective for everyone examining descriptions.

For management, enterprise architecture means guidelines, decisions, and guidance:

  • In developing enterprise architecture, it is about a development path where the company’s vision and business scenarios are initially transformed into architecture vision and principles.
  • In the second phase, these are translated into business, information, and technology architectures.
  • In the third phase, the procedure provides prioritized development programs, projects, initiatives, and tasks.

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